18 funniest expressions in Colombian Spanish (and the ways to have used...

18 funniest expressions in Colombian Spanish (and the ways to have used them)


Photo: Alex

1. Colombians don’t “joke around”…they “give you a blowjob to a rooster.” (Están mamando gallo)

2. If Colombians are angry, they don’t merely “leave”…they “open themselves.” (Se abrió)

3. A Colombian doesn’t inquire what you look for to do…he asks you, “create the peanut?” (¿Cómo es el maní?)

4. A Colombian doesn’t “hook up” with someone…instead, they “eat them.” (Ella se lo comió)

5. Colombians don’t “hang out”…they “create a patch.” (Estamos parchando)

6. Colombians don’t say that they’re “friends”…people say that they’re “like fingernails and dirt.” (Son como uña y mugre)

7. A Colombian doesn’t “make a mistake”…they “shit it.” (La cagué)

8. Colombians don’t “put themselves capable where they will be laughed at”…his or her “give papaya.” (Está dando papaya)

9. Colombians don’t “flirt” with each other…they’d prefer to “release the hounds” their way! (Él le echó los perros)

10. Colombians love to pool money to cover drinks and meals…if they do, they’re “getting a cow.” (Hacemos una vaca)

11. Don’t be alarmed if the Colombian says that they desire you to “stop their balls”…they just i would love you to concentrate on them. (¡Párame bolas!)

12. …but become a little alarmed if their “dwarf grew up”…that’s when you are aware a difficulty has become out of control. (¡Se nos creció el enano!)

13. Colombians don’t say “be careful”…they are saying, “place your batteries in.” (¡Ponte las pilas!)

14. A Colombian doesn’t say “how embarrassing”…they claim, “such a bear!” (¡Qué oso!)

15. A Colombian doesn’t say, “the face is ugly”…it is said, “that person’s uglier than just a car seen from below.” (Es más feo que carro visto por debajo)

16. In Colombia, a misbehaving son isn’t a “brat”…he’s a “shit from an ass.” (Culicagao)

17. When Colombians are hungry, they’re actually “sharp.” (Tengo filo) If they’re really hungry, they’re so sharp them to could “cut themselves should they bend over!” (¡Tengo un filo que si me agacho me corto!)

18. Soccer is unquestionably a big part of Colombian culture, that when they die, they don’t just “die”…they “dangle their soccer shoes.” (Colgar los guayos.)