Home Western Europe 10 amazing cottages with private access to the sea

10 amazing cottages with private access to the sea


Arriving at your holiday destination from the sea is often an amazing experience, when slowly approaching the particular coast gives you the chance really savor the second of arrival. A lot of these ten amazing components around the world, from the Carribbean Sea to the Medical and the Indian Underwater, offer the possibility of docking luxury yachts right in front of them, leading them to the perfect spots to your ultimate luxury sea side vacation.

Villa Astor, Amalfi Coast

Perched on the spectacular cliffs of the Amalfi Shore, Villa Astor is a wonderful 19th-century place built by Ambassador William Waldorf Astor which boosts a grand structural style both in and out. The garden is one of the best lawn mowers of Europe: a must for many who want to enjoy one of Italy?s appreciated coastlines.


Capospartivento, Sardinia

Located atop a rugged promontory in beautiful Southerly Sardinia, Villa Capospartivento provides amazing accommodation for those coming by sea. Utilizing 360